Reports and data
2024 ESG Reporting
Previous ESG reports
The reports on this webpage each cover a Loblaw Companies Limited’s applicable fiscal year. Unless otherwise specifically noted within the content of a report available on this webpage, all data, claims, expectations regarding future events, and other representations included in the report relates and is current up to that applicable time period only. Accordingly, the content of the reports available on this webpage may not reflect current data, practices, results, guidance, standards or methodologies. For more information regarding how we work to ensure reliability of the information included within our most recent ESG report, please see: Early Release of Priority 2024 ESG Disclosures(Open in a new tab). By accessing a previous fiscal year’s report available on this webpage, you expressly acknowledge, understand, and agree that the information it contains may be inaccurate and/or outdated, and that Loblaw Companies Limited does not make any current warranties, guarantees, or representations about the information included in the content of such historical reports. The information is provided solely for historical reference, research, and recordkeeping purposes only. It is not intended for promotional use or any other purpose beyond its stated context. Should you require a copy of an older report, please reach out to in a new tab).
Policies and statements
Got questions? Want to learn more?
Contact us in a new tab)As a part of our culture of integrity, it is important that non-compliant and unethical matters are reported.
Call the Integrity Action Line: 1-800-525-7868 (available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Spanish and Korean languages); or visit (available in English, French and Spanish languages).