Galen with some ways we can help each other
March 27, 2020

Galen with some ways we can help each other
March 27, 2020

Galen with some ways we can help each other
Hi Everyone,
There continues to be lots going on out there in our stores. I hope you are all managing ok with your own personal situations. On our end, teams have made incredible adjustments - as just about everything has changed in our stores in the last two weeks. I’m pleased to report that across much of the country we are mostly operating in a stable ‘new normal‘. My most heartfelt thanks for your patience, understanding and support.
Having said that, I am writing to you today because I am troubled by growing reports of people ignoring social distancing requests while shopping. Some people are coming in groups or bringing family, treating shopping as a social outing. Others are making uncomfortable jokes about being COVID-19 positive while leaning around protective screens. On the surface, these kinds of actions can seem harmless, but they are quite concerning for other customers and colleagues. Although incidents like this are still rare, frustrations are growing. So, please do everything you can to be respectful of the protocols we have put in place - for everyone’s safety.
On another note, there are many of you who are trying our PC Express e-commerce service. I know that because it is now running at three times the normal levels. Two weeks ago, we’d have an order ready in an hour. Now, it can take four days or more. We are taking steps to improve, reducing the available assortment on the website to help us to pick your order more quickly, and opening new time slots for pick-up. Over the next few weeks we will look for ways to increase our capacity even more.
In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help improve your experience. For example, plan ahead and place your order a few days before you need your groceries. If your local PC Express is busy, select another one nearby. Finally, keep in mind that this service is invaluable for those who are sick, isolated, or vulnerable. So, if you are healthy and mobile, do your best to get to the store.
One last tip: If you are finding your visits a bit too crowded in your local store, try shopping at a different time of day. We notice that in many stores evening hours are the best. You can check your store’s listing on Google Maps to get a sense of the quieter times on any given day.
That’s all for now. Stay kind.

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